Warning: this post may be a little inappropriate and my boys may kill me for posting it one day but it is much to funny to not share.
I am learning more and more every day just how much "character" little boys possess. Last night, we went out to dinner. As we were waiting on our food, I gave D his little magna doodle to keep him occupied while N was playing with a toy car. D was practicing drawing his shapes. His shape of choice right now is a circle. He would draw circles then show them off the Benji and I and we would tell him how awesome his circles looked. Then my dear innocent little boy draws 2 circles next to each other (they were touching might I add). Then he proceeds to draw a dot in the middle of each circle hold it up and yells "Look mama: boobies!!". My dear hubby almost spewed sweet tea across the table. I had to turn my head. I tried to discuss that his picture was very good but was not something that he needed to be drawing but I honestly couldn't get through the sentence without laughing. I had to look over at Benji and tell him that he had to have that discussion because I just couldn't. I have been warned about little boys before but was totally not prepared for that one.
I do have to say for the record if he was depicting me...I am proud:):)
I promise I will get Easter pics up in a day or so. I just have not taken them off the camera just yet.