Sunday, January 24, 2010

One of my favorite roles in life

I have many roles in my life right now. My most prized titles in life are wife, daughter, sister and friend, and soon to add...mother. I have one other title in life that blesses me to no end....Aunt. Benji and I have 10 nieces and nephews and they each are such blessings in our lives. We love each and every one as if they were our own and there is nothing in this world that we would not do for any one of them. We have some that are almost grown and we are incredibly proud of them and all that they have accomplished. We have some that are still pretty young and they bring tons of joy to us. There is nothing that melts my heart more than hearing "Shanny (as most of them call me) will you play with me". Our nieces and nephews are so precious to us and we are so thankful that we are blessed with each and every one of them. Our little one has some pretty awesome cousins to come home to.

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