Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yard Sale # 2

This past weekend, some amazing people did a yardsale for us at Fleming Baptist Church. The amount of stuff donated to this yard sale was mind boggling. I hate calling names because I'm so scared of forgetting someone, however, these people certainly deserve to have the names called out. Heck, they need their names on a plaque. To Erin, Shasha & Jimmy, Denise & Tracy, Staci & Dwayne, Mama & Daddy, Mema & Papa , Don & Ann B., Gena K., Tammy J., and the Fleming youth group: Words just don't seem like enough to tell you how much we appreciate all of your hard work. There is a special place in heaven for people like you. We are so lucky to have all of you as family and friends. So thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, for this yardsale put us so much closer to bringing our child/children home. This yard sale was just another prime example of how God is working in our adoption, and how he is using others to help get us there.

Ashley: Thanks again for your "text-support". Every event that we have had, you have always been there texting me throughout the day with your support. I know that if you weren't a gazillion miles away in the frozen tundra of Illinois, you would've been there!

Here are a few pictures of the day:
The sign in front of the church (thanks Mr. Don and Denise!)
The youth girls.
Dwayne, Benji and Daddy...the money men (of hagglers, which ever you prefer)
Dallas and his lovely pink jump suit...compliments of the yard sale donations.
Erin and Denise at the food counter.
All the stuff!!! (except for the furniture which is behind the camera).

Hard workers!

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