Friday, August 10, 2012
I do want to take a minute to document some of their sweetness:
1) A few mornings ago, Daniel woke me up fairly early with a box of Mike and Ike candies and a juice box. He put them on my nightstand and said "I brought you breakfast in bed Mama, but you can go back to sleep and eat it when you are good and rested". I swear he has one of the sweetest hearts ever! Of course he got to get in bed and share my "breakfast".
2) I am not one to wear dresses very often, but I put one on to go to work the other day and Noah stopped in the doorway and said "Mama, you look so beautiful today! I love your new dress, it makes you so pretty". I am not sure if he was incinuating that I look like crud every other day, but it sure melted my heart.
3) Daniel and I were discussing our family the other day and I was telling him that whe he grew up and got married and had kids of his own that his daddy and I would be this kids' grandparents. Then Daniel said "No Mama, I am never going to get married....I am going to stay here and live with you and Daddy forever". Is it wrong that I kinda want to hold him to that promise? Lol! I did tell him that he would change his mind one day and he would want to get married, to which he repsonded , "No I wont..I am staying with you and Daddy forever!".
4) Noah has a mad love for chicken casserole...a dish in which his daddy wont touch. So when Benji is out of town...we have chicken casserole. Noah had been asking for it for days and to be honest, I am sick of it. Finally I caved and fixed my boy his beloved meal. While scarfing it down, he looked up and me and said "You da best Mama in da whole world. Thank you for making me chicken casserole". The way to his heart is definitely through his tummy:)
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Carnival Birthday Party
Birthday boy # 1
Birthday Boy # 2
The candy cart that my dear hubby built. He is awesome:):)
Noah and his little bitty whacks at it!
Monday, July 16, 2012
We are so excited for this new opportunity and the doors that the Lord is opening in our lives. We are ready to see things outside our nice little cozy "saftey zone".
Monday, June 25, 2012
1: Benji has accepted a new job that will require us moving out of state (will post more on this later). I was talking to the boys about moving and what it meant. Shortly after this discussion, D looked up and noticed a crack in our ceiling. I explained to him that Daddy was fixing something in the attic and almost stepped through the ceiling. To which he replied "I am so ready to move out of this crack house!" Of course he was referring to the crack in the ceiling. So if anyone hears my kids say anything to this effect, please know that it is a crack in our ceiling....not a drug habit:)
Fast Forward a couple nights: We have been praying that our house sells quickly so that we can all move together. We pray together as a family so the boys do hear us praying for this and they pray for the same. Last night, N's prayer went like this "Dear Lowrd...please help us get out of this crack house and into a new house together as a family". I think maybe I should have a discussion with them and inform them that we do NOT live in a crack house. I can see them saying this to our social worker for a post placement report. HA!
2: In children's church yesterday, there were only 4 kids that were doing as they were directed at one point (my sons not being any of the four:) So I gave a big thank you to the ones that chose to listen. It broke D's little heart that his name was not called out in the thank-you to the ones who were following instructions. He cried and cried over it and I had to take him out and explain that he made the choice to not follow instructions in class, no one at all was in trouble but the ones who made a good choice deserved the be thanked, and that next time maybe he could make a better choice and he too would get praised.
At dinner last night, Benji was asking the boys how was their day, did they behave in church, etc... To which D said "Mama broke my heart in children's church". I tried to refrain from laughing (he really is a super sensitive child). Benji began to ask him what happend to which he gave his recount of the (very minor) incident. I began to remind him that it was a choice he made and began to explain the story. D put his hand up and said "Mama...this isn't about you, it is about me". It was impossible not to laugh at him. My son is slighty dramatic:)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Noah!
Thank you God for our precious Noah today and thank you for trusting us to be his parents, he (and his brother) make our lives complete and fill our hearts more than we ever could have imagined.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Happy Birthday Daniel!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Easter 2012
I do want to take a minute to say thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me. I know that it is easy to get caught up in the hum-drum of the Easter bunny, but I want to make sure that I am not forgetting what Easter is really about. For kids, it is easy to put the focus on the Easter bunny, candy and egg hunts; however, we made a point to discuss the sacrifice that comes along with Easter. We were preparing to dye our Easter eggs we began to tell the boys the story of Jesus dying on the cross. They are a little young to get it but I discussed the beating that he endured, and of course the nails in his hands and feet. Then I let the boys taste vinegar so they could relate to what Jesus drank when he was on that cross. I think my boys are more disturbed that Jesus had to drink vinegar than they are they he was beaten and crusified:):)
Here are a few pics of our Easter fun:
Daniel took it upon himself to make a cross on one of his eggs.
Noah just painted aimlessly...and had a blast doing it.
Getting snacks ready for the Easter Bunny
Monday, March 19, 2012
St. Patty's Day
Our lunch, shamrock sandwiches
Noah and his shamrock jello
My kids make my heart melt
Last night I was rocking Daniel to sleep and I told him I would miss him while I was at work. He asked where he was going while I worked, so I told him daddy would be home with him all day. Then he said. "when you work and I stay home with daddy, me and daddy and Noah come to your work and pick you up for lunch. I hope we do that tomorrow. Some days we don't pick you up, you meet us at the eating place. I hope we come pick you up tomorrow...I'll talk to daddy about it in the morning." heart melts.
A few nights ago Noah (who has ended up in the bed with us for months now) rolled over, put his little arm around my neck, snuggled up next to be and said "I love you Mama!". I kissed his head and said "I love you too Noah". Then he said "you da best Mama in da whole world"....all while never a once opening his eyes from his sleep...again, my heart melts.
Valentine's Day
For those who know me well know that of all holidays, Valentines Day is my least favorite. I am kinda a Valentine's scrooge if you will. Last year, we spent our Valentine's day in Russia...with our two new sons. It kinda revived the holiday which I have come to all but loathe. Valentine's Day is 2 days after our Gotcha Day and now it is the first holiday that we had as a my heart is a little mushier than it normally is on V'day. I love holidays...and now that I am a mother, holidays are 100 times more special to me. Here is our Valentine's Day fun:
For lunch we had heart shaped sandwiches.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Recap 1
Dear Lord, thank you so much for Mama and Daddy. Thank you for letting them bring me home. I love my Mama and Daddy soooo much! I love my home, and my toys, and my animals, and my clothes, and my bed, and my covers, and my pillow, and my other pillow, and my dresser, and my shoes. Thank you so much for givng me all my things. Thank you for my Noah cause I love him. Thank you for giving me my family. Amen.
I had no words when he was done....just tears. This just seemed to sum it all up for me. We are so beyond blessed to have Daniel and Noah as our sons. The Lord has really given us far more than we ever deserve.
Here are a couple more pics from Russia:
On this day a year ago Noah was feeling a little under the weather so he didn't get to go outside and play. It was the first day that they allowed us to go outside and play. It was sooo wonderful to be outside rather than couped up in the playroom at the orphanage.
Our lil' Noah...I can't believe how much he has grown. Sadly we didn't get many pics with him this day because we didn't have as much time with him.